Roentgenologic Broken Edge "Stairway Sign" to Describe a Step-Ladder Deformity of the Finger due to Dislocation of the Interphalangeal Joints Same Finger. Case Report and Literature Review

Author Details

Lauren Gorelick, MD, Anwar Saab, MD, MHA, Ayala Rozano-Gorelick, MD, MHA

Journal Details


Published: 30 July 2018 | Article Type :


Isolated interphalangeal joint dislocation is common in traumatology practice. However, simultaneous dislocation of the interphalangeal joints of a same finger is a rare injury. In the literature, only case reports are available. Authors present case report of a young patient with dislocations of the interphalangeal joints little finger of the dominant right hand. The diagnosis was made by specific clinical step-ladder deformity of the finger and roentgenographic “Stairway like sign” appearance of the joints dislocation. As in most cases, reduction was achieved by longitudinal traction. Finger splint fixation in slight flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint was applied for nearly three weeks. Early exercise and rehabilitation program started by hand therapist to prevent joint contracture.
Keywords: Finger Interphalangeal joint dislocation; Step-ladder deformity;”Stairway sign”.

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How to Cite


Lauren Gorelick, MD, Anwar Saab, MD, MHA, Ayala Rozano-Gorelick, MD, MHA. (2018-07-30). "Roentgenologic Broken Edge "Stairway Sign" to Describe a Step-Ladder Deformity of the Finger due to Dislocation of the Interphalangeal Joints Same Finger. Case Report and Literature Review." *Volume 1*, 1, 25-27